Monday, August 08, 2005

Musings, or damn i need better titles

Much to say, little time for it ... Finished combing the news and posting what I could:

* Libertarian Party "closing the clubroom doors" (and maybe in the process becoming a political party?)
* A Wash Times piece on the dangers of "federal tax reform" to taxpayers
* Questions about Habitat for Humanity's real value
* Wondering about Raffie and steroids
* Gitmo, and the WOD, and all the other things we all ought to consider for at least a minute or two ...

And more important matters:

* Setting the VCR to tape "Closer" while we watch football
* Practicing my balloon-animal skills for an upcoming clowning gig
* Figuring out when I'll have time to watch the latest Netflix DVD delivery
* Other stuff, but too personal for this list :)

But at least most of the bills are paid, and the rest will be on time ... for now ...


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