Monday, October 03, 2005

Book Review and Latest Column

Some people blog, and then post a link elsewhere to bring people to it. I tend to write when I have the time and the topic, post it at one or the other of several sites I work with ... and if I remember to, come back here and let those who don't already know it, know about it:

1. Book Review: "How to Kill the Job Culture Before It Kills You"
Rational Review

"I came to Claire Wolfe's work a little late, finally reading 'Don't Shoot The Bastards … Yet' and then going back to '101 Things To Do Before the Revolution.' ... With How to Kill the Job Culture Before It Kills You Claire may have crossed over into the mainstream -- not by selling out, in any sense of the word, but by creating something accessible even to the most hidebound sheeple-person … who's looking to carve out a little progress toward personal autonomy, even in the midst of the most soul-numbing of job situations. Yes, even for that person there is something to be learned. As the subtitle proclaims, this book is a welcome guide to 'Living a Life of Autonomy in a Wage-Slave Society.'" more

2. A Rebuttal to Mr. Chinni
Free Market News Network

"It's not often that the advocates of 'good government' show their hands completely. Usually there is tap dancing around the topic, with phrases like 'marginal utility,' 'public conscience' and such. But once in a while, someone from that camp comes out and honestly promotes the value of increasing government size and power, as a solution to perceived social problems. The latest example is Dante Chinni, in his twice-monthly column for the Christian Science Monitor. Tuesday's rendition boldly proclaimed that, 'Wall Street shouldn't trump the government in emergency response,' and then proceed to make an argument in favor of increased government responsibility for national disasters. For clarity's sake (as well as lack of time for something more polished), I shall just reprint excerpts from his column, with my own comments interspersed." (09/28/05) more

Others shall follow as I get to them. Right now, I'm balancing the urge to write a "Serenity" review, exploring at least a couple of the deeper issues the film raises, with the desire not to spoil it for those who are planning to go see it. Maybe by next weekend, we'll all be on our second or third viewing :)

meanwhile, if you have not seen it yet, DO SO!


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