I am reminded ...
on occasion, that many days go by when I forget to post things here, although I certainly could. The latest example is an article I just put up at ReasontoFreedom.com:
A Different Look At "Service?"
"He probably didn't intend doing so, but Arizona educrat Tom Horne may have given gradualist libertarians a whole new way to propose tax reform, based on the premise that 'If you're part of the solution, you're not part of the problem ...' -- adding the tagline that, therefore, they shouldn't be able to steal as much of your money to fix the problems ... f we grant that: (1.) It is a desirable thing for people to ... help the communities around them; and (2.) SOME social consciousness is necessary for one to exist in a society ... Can we not then encourage people to contribute to their communities with a tax-incentive?
It's a little outside the box in some ways, but still addresses the subjects of liberty, autonomy and self-actualization ...
Also, I should let you know about an exciting new series of Channels, over at ISIL.org, one of which is my latest project:
Steve Trinward, Editor
Whether it's a new development in stem cell technology or the latest attempt by the state to suppress alternative practices -- if it's about your health, you'll find out about it here.
And the others are:
R. Lee Wrights, Editor
The latest news, commentary and events listings on education and school choice issues, from vouchers to homeschooling to separation of school and state.
Thomas L. Knapp, Editor
Is it really a matter of Growth versus Gaia? Or is a libertarian environmentalism both possible and necessary? No sacred cows here. Everything environmental is fair game here as we put the competing worldviews on the field in search of synthesis.
Ok, Steve, it's been two weeks without a post here so it's probably time to shut this blog down.
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