It's up there now
... the second part of my "hard-hitting series" on ... "Virtual" child abuse:
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
When I wrote the previous column on this topic, I had a sense I might be opening a can of worms. Little did I know I'd be turning over a bunch of rocks, and that all kinds of slimy and unsavory life-forms would crawl out from under.
I'm not talking about the true sexual predators in our society. As any sociologist who's studied the subject will tell you, those are most often NOT some degenerate hanging around a schoolyard, or lurking on the Internet. Far more often, a "molester" turns out to be a family-member, a neighbor … or someone else who has actually known the targeted "child" personally for some time.
In this case I have another target in mind: the group or groups of self-proclaimed "saviors" that have sprung up to exploit the fears of parents, and besmirch the names and lives of peaceful and harmless private citizens, for no purpose (it turns out) beyond their own sick amusement and desire to dominate and destroy others. And the most high-profile and brazen of these self-styled vigilante crusaders calls itself "Perverted Justice" – a moniker that could hardly be more appropriate, since these vicious thugs are indeed perverting the criminal process, while destroying any hope of ever bringing to trial (let alone conviction) those among its "targets" who might actually BE guilty of child endangerment or abuse.
As it turns out, this is also the actual identity of the "Internet nanny-watch group" who convinced an Arizona tv station to join them in entrapping that hapless Arizona State University student, whose saga was laid out in my previous column. (Note: A brief glance at their website (, should convince anyone of their true, much baser intentions – if you can stomach the foul language and gang-banger tactics of the perverted-justice thugs themselves!)
But these are not, as they portray themselves, "saviors of the children" defending young girls from sexual predators.
Surprisingly, I have had NO feedback on this one ... Perhaps the next installment ...
Today, in addition to regular summaries & postings, at RRND, MFC and then (after my rewrites) FMNN, I have to deliver an audio piece for FMNN's Weekly World Report -- another thing on the bird flu story. The call is due in about an hour, so I can't stop long here.
Other things in the works: my weekly editorial for MFC; another piece of the "Virtual" series; perhaps another column or two by beginning of next week; some responsed on Yahoo lists ...
SOW, I've figured out that part of why I don't get back here very often (as has been noted by others?) is this: Along with the regular online workload, I also post pretty regularly on at least three Yahoo groups, often several more. Maybe I should start copying from there when I want to start a blog-entry; some of the stuff is actually pretty interesting ... Well, at least it is to me!
Anyway, back to cyberspace .. see you again soon; write often!
I wanted to thank you for both great articles. The world needs to know that Perverted-Justice is not what it tries to appear to be when you go beyond that main page. Thanks for showing them for the harassment machine that they are. Despite their claims, lives have been ruined, jobs have been lost, families tore apart and no charges filed. Yet the harassment still continues with some that were busted 2-3 years ago with barrages of IM's, emails and phone calls. They even have members using their access to certain databases at their work places to obtain personal information on busts, family members, places of employment and friends with Xavier Von Erck's blessings. Vigilantism at it's finest.
Again, great articles. I hope to see more from you about this.
thank you for your reply. My only regret about the article is that I let my rage at the horrific tactics these people seem to be employing ... get me to stoop to their level, and engage in some unnecessary name-calling, which might have taken away some of the apparent validity of my words. I intend to continue writing on this subject, and will probably eventually return to this specific battleground. First, though, I have a couple of columns to write about some other outrages I know about, as well as at least one to explore the whole "age of consent" issue itself.
I look forward to reading all of them.
Ok. Another month without any fresh posts. Time to close down this blog.
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