TV portents and liberty
Catching the promos for the "new fall season" (at least they USED to start in the fall?) ... something with Geena Davis as a sitting Vice Pres who becomes the "Commander in Chief" ...
Donald Sutherland [presumably playing the Karl Rove character?] confronts her with something like, "Do you want the power to control the universe?"
"No, I don't," she replies.
"That's what's wrong with people who don't want power: They don't know how to use it when they get it!"
It got me thinking vis-a-vis the recent battle within the Libertarian Party over the "Iraq Exit Strategy" ... between the "revolutionary party" and "political party" factions, as my good friend Tom Knapp so elegantly put it. The former group does not WANT power over others, but if faced with holding such power for a time, would find a way to get rid of it quickly; the latter MAY want such power, but only to use for good things -- which is the problem as far as group one is concerned ...
I do know that the way Sutherland presents it is not conducive to liberty ...