Monday, August 08, 2005

TV portents and liberty

Catching the promos for the "new fall season" (at least they USED to start in the fall?) ... something with Geena Davis as a sitting Vice Pres who becomes the "Commander in Chief" ...

Donald Sutherland [presumably playing the Karl Rove character?] confronts her with something like, "Do you want the power to control the universe?"

"No, I don't," she replies.

"That's what's wrong with people who don't want power: They don't know how to use it when they get it!"

It got me thinking vis-a-vis the recent battle within the Libertarian Party over the "Iraq Exit Strategy" ... between the "revolutionary party" and "political party" factions, as my good friend Tom Knapp so elegantly put it. The former group does not WANT power over others, but if faced with holding such power for a time, would find a way to get rid of it quickly; the latter MAY want such power, but only to use for good things -- which is the problem as far as group one is concerned ...

I do know that the way Sutherland presents it is not conducive to liberty ...

Musings, or damn i need better titles

Much to say, little time for it ... Finished combing the news and posting what I could:

* Libertarian Party "closing the clubroom doors" (and maybe in the process becoming a political party?)
* A Wash Times piece on the dangers of "federal tax reform" to taxpayers
* Questions about Habitat for Humanity's real value
* Wondering about Raffie and steroids
* Gitmo, and the WOD, and all the other things we all ought to consider for at least a minute or two ...

And more important matters:

* Setting the VCR to tape "Closer" while we watch football
* Practicing my balloon-animal skills for an upcoming clowning gig
* Figuring out when I'll have time to watch the latest Netflix DVD delivery
* Other stuff, but too personal for this list :)

But at least most of the bills are paid, and the rest will be on time ... for now ...

Sports time

it's called multitasking: NFL preseason on ABC, alternating with Cards/Brewskies on ESPN ... while I monitor my Sox (and the Spankees/Chisox showdown) with online overlays -- and keep up with e-mail and in-progress writings at the same blink.

Note the joy of tracking the Sox, as they are becoming (like the NFL Patriots?) a team that expects to win, and sees a deficit as a temporary setback not a crushing stompage! Tonight a perfect e.g., as they spotted Texas 3, then came back with 4. (I had a gut feeling Papi was gonna slap one deep, and he did to start the comeback.) Of course now Miller (the one who spells it like it is pronounced, that is?) keeps giving up hits, and even runs, so it's back to a tie, but somehow they will find a way as they have so often the last couple of years. And the Patsies will make Payton and the other pretenders take notice as usual once they get under way. Fun being a "Boston fan" even from 1500 miles away; just wishing sometimes I could afford NESN to be piped in ...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

back so soon?

A few more words to say ... finishing my day's travails - Progressive News Digest, Rational Review, Free Market News ... and maybe time to work on a song or two before crashing out.

My Sox continue to win mostly so nothing to bitch about there ... Libertarian Party is abandoning its "membership" fetish, so that's good, too! ... Firefly on SciFi Channel, even running in the proper order so tapeworthy (though DVD set is still a must) ... guess all must be well with the world after all ... livlib out


I finally broke down and started one of these. Liable to see anything from spillovers from a column, a song-lyric fragment, a rant about the Red Sox or Patriots, bitching about TennCare, women, TV shows or ...

And some days, like this one, it will just be a couple of random lines. stay tuned?